[디자인 패턴] 디자인 패턴 종류
1 min readSep 12, 2020
Types of design patterns
- Structural design pattern
- Behavioral design pattern
- Creational design pattern
Structural design pattern
how objects are composed and combined
객체들이 어떻게 구성되고 결합되는가
e.g. MVC, MVVM
Behavioral design pattern
how objects communicate with each other
객체들이 서로 어떻게 소통하는가
e.g. Delegation, Strategy, Observer
Creational design pattern
how to create or instantiate objects.
객체들을 어떻게 생성히고 인스턴스화 하는가
e.g. Builder, Singleton, Prototype
design patterns aren’t concrete implementations, but a starting point for writing code.